Tenth Dimension Analytics

An advanced analytics consulting company helping organizations extract the most business value from data.

Advanced analytics is what we do

We are an advanced analytics consulting company that is helping organizations solve some of their most pressing business problems using predictive analytics, machine learning, and natural language processing.

We understand the value of high-quality data

We help organizations in building the right infrastructure to collect the data they need to be able to make well-informed, data-driven decisions, and we work with our clients in extracting insights from these data that will advise their business processes.

We are domain experts

Led by a team of experts with years of experience across different sectors, we are able to tap into that expertise, and that of our extensive network of subject matter experts, to build analytical solutions for our clients that truly address their business needs.

What we do

At Tenth Dimension Analytics, we have one mission and one mission only: to use the power of data and advanced analytics to help our clients across different verticals solve those business problems that inhibit their top-line and bottom-line growth. Here are some of the industries we work in.


With retailers increasingly facing stiff competition, many are turning to advanced analytics to help them understand their customers better, streamline their supply chain, and consequently maintain an edge over their competition. Whether it is predictive and prescriptive solutions to address customer churn or demand forecasting for products in different departments, our team is well-positioned to provide those in the retail sector with customized solutions that will ensure they stay ahead of the competition.

Banking and Insurance

Banks and insurance companies stand to reap some of the greatest benefits from advanced analytics. With a growing need for those in the financial services sector to better understand their customers, address the global threats of fraud and money laundering, and at the same time meet the needs of a consumer who increasingly wants to see personalized products, it is imperative that banks and insurance companies incorporate advanced analytics in their business processes. At Tenth Dimension, we are working with industry players to build solutions that are helping with fraud mitigation, and with the creation of more accurate customer profiles for product design and marketing purposes.

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

For organizations looking to accomplish social good, data is indispensable. NGOs that understand this are using the power of data analytics to, among other things, design their marketing and fundraising campaigns, create efficiency in their internal operations, and monitor in real-time various activities in their areas of concern. Our team at Tenth Dimension works with our NGO clients in helping them collect, analyze, and extract insights from data that will guide them in achieving their mission.


Organizations in healthcare face a lot of challenges in integrating analytics into their business operations. There is the perpetual challenge of ensuring the security of sensitive patient information, but also challenges in knowing what data to collect, how to guarantee the integrity of collected data, and in choosing the right tools to use to analyze the data so as to extract actionable intelligence. Despite the difficulties of integrating analytics into their practices, those healthcare organizations that have been able to surmount these challenges are witnessing huge benefits. At Tenth Dimension, we work with our partners in healthcare to design, build, and deploy Big Data and Artificial Intelligence-backed solutions that help those in the industry provide better care to patients in a way that also cuts cost to both the patient and the organization.

Get in touch

We would love to hear from you, so please let us know how we can be of value to your organization.